Rap Snacks Review: Snoop Dogg O.G. Barbecue Cheddar Chips

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What in God’s name is….oh that’s quite good. My live reaction to the Snoop Dog O.G. Bar-B-Que Cheddar Rap Snack. The flavor overload is perplexing and hard to process at first. It swirls around a traditional barbecue chip and a simple cheddar base flavoring, making it hard to find the dominant flavor. But as a matter of fact, that’s because there isn’t one. This Rap Snack is extremely good. An elite potato chip.

It’s interesting- never have I seen a BBQ-Cheddar flavored chip. While that could be because I’m not a potato chip savant, it also doesn’t seem to be a common flavor combo at all. To my surprise, it works really well, especially in this chip, which seems to use high quality flavorings. The BBQ taste is smoky but strong, cutting through the chip from the first bite. Only afterwards does the mild, pleasing cheddar flavoring cut through. After that I notice another BBQ sequence-sweetness with a slightly acidic finish.

The top of the bag reads "Stay Focused and Be Relentless.” And this is a relentless chip. It will battle your tastebuds all day. It’s an excellent chip but truthfully it’s hard to eat. It’s very rich and though I don’t think it was that salty it’s extremely flavorful. It taste more like a dish than a snack. I had to give up. Couldn’t finish the bag. It really is a great potato chip. Excellent texture, excellent flavor, great packaging. But it might be doing too much. Potato Chips have the right to be more than a mindless snack but I don’t need my Thinking Potato Chips in grazing size portions. It could make a weak stomach turn. Overall though…great Chip. Kind of like Pepsi-better in small doses.



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