Rap Snacks Reviews: Rick Ross Sweet Chili Lemon Pepper

I have a serious soft spot for this Rap Snack. The Rick Ross Sweet Chili Lemon Pepper is a gem amongst potato chips. It may not be the most technically perfect Rap Snack or the most appealing Rap Snack, but of the chips, it’s easily the most intriguing. Sometimes, I don’t even want to eat this chip. But other times, it’s the best chip I’ve ever tasted. It’s a kaleidoscope of desire. Each time I come in wanting something a little different and each time I find something a little different. My opinion fluctuates. Either way, this chip is worth talking about.

The thing you will notice right away is the lemon pepper, specifically the lemon. As a Colombian, I have had lemon chips in my life (they’re my favorite) and I think this chip does the flavor rather well, especially for an American consumer base. The lemon is a little too sour, and the sweet chili that follows it can be a little too sweet, but for the most part, this flavor combo works well and packs a fun and tolerable punch. There definitely was an aftertaste and some heat, but it wasn’t as prominent as some other Rap Snacks I’ve had in the past.

This chip was excellent at times, but at others it felt very over seasoned. Every individual chip was a wildcard and at times loose seasoning would slide off of the chips. It was a chaotic eating experience to say the least. The lows were low, but the highs were stratospheric. For the life of me, I could not get a read on the overall quality of this chip, I just know that it both soared over my expectations and then crashed and burned from chip to chip. Then it would soar over my expectations and then crash and burn from chip to chip. Then it would soar over….. You get the point.



What does this random 3 floating over a 10 mean? It means I have decided to give this chip a fractional score. It’s not a true fraction. It just looks like one. Consider it more of an over-under type deal. It could be a 3. It could also be a 10. It just depends on which chip you draw from the bag.

Overall, fascinating chip. Brilliant flavor (when it hits), excellent texture, middling execution. If the seasoning was a little more consistently contained from chip to chip, we would have a masterpiece on our hands, one possibly rivaling works of art such as the Mona Lisa. As is we have a troubled, but often powerful opus of a potato chip.


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