Howdy THC Sweet Tea Review: It’s Pretty Solid

Picked up a pack of Howdy THC Tea, the 5mg variety, at the store today. And honestly, I was reasonably impressed. This stuff isn’t the greatest tea, in fact it’s more comparable to Half and Half than full on sweet tea, but it will get you high. And once you acclimate to the flavor, it’s pleasant and refreshing. There’s a lot of subtlety in the flavor and the beverage itself is light and smooth.

What is Howdy? Well, it’s a THC brand from Texas that sells teas and gummies. Their teas and gummies come in 2.5mg and 5mg varieties. They have four flavors, which could be argued to be entirely different products: a Paloma (2.5mg), a Ranch Water (2.5mg), a Lemonade (5mg), and a Sweet Tea (5mg). These are also available at the same dosages in gummy form. And there’s hats if you like. They’re cool.

In general I really like the design and style of the packaging and think the country-hippie hybrid aesthetic is very interesting and works surprisingly well. The Texas company knows how to market the tea in a way that feels like drinking it is an expression of personal freedoms. The horse, the cowboy…it all screams stoner but also Old Texas. Which I think is some of what it is trying to channel- Colorado but Texas is definitely a vibe that’s in right now. Dab pens and cowboy hats, joints on horseback, Austin sunset, you get it. But does this stuff get you high?

Yes. Actually it does and I found it to be a very pleasant high that didn’t interfere with my day, but was definitely therapeutic. It was a good mix of body high, with sensation, and head high, with the butterfly brain feeling. Honestly was an excellent high. 10/10 buzz, precisely because of how measured it is. It’s a chill vibe and I wouldn’t drive afterwards, but it’s not the type of high where you feel weird around elders and children. It’s a soft buzz that seems way more powerful than the actual flavors of the tea itself.

Let’s score this tea:

PRICE: AROUND $16, GIVE OR TAKE: -I’m not gonna score this because I don’t know enough about the THC beverage market to understand what a reasonable price is. I do think it is probably more advanced than making beer and this was a pretty good product. It was about $4 per, which does somewhat line up with what marijuana prices would be in a certain market situations (scans the room.)

FLAVOR: 7- It’s not super sweet, it’s very light and subtle. I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s tasteless though. Once I knew what I was in for, I felt it was refreshing and pleasant, especially when cold.

PACKAGING: 10- Excellent design. Strong colors and hues, good font choice and effective but personable writing choices. The cohesion, from logo to font to design, made for a product with personality.

HIGH: 9- This could be a subject of debate but I think a 9 is a fair score when I consider quality and function. This is a beverage and seems to want to function more like a beer than an edible. If you get through your Howdy in reasonable time, you will definitely feel a nice buzz. It’s potent for about 35-40 minutes and then you’ll glide down. A very controlled and smooth high that I think works perfectly for what Howdy is trying to do. You can have this as a beer substitute, or you could just have one after work. Don’t drive but you probably could drive after an hour. Some might want it to last longer, or be less of a mind high or less of a body high or whatever- as such I gave it 9. It’s Weed As Beer and is Hit in a Can, but it does that really well.


I think this is a really strong product that will only improve, especially as the market grows and the technology improves. Right now, the flavor is perhaps a little lacking, but the packaging is great and the high is also awesome. If you can get behind the idea of it as Magic Half and Half you’ll like it more. I was impressed with the effects, the reasonable but still fun duration and the branding and aura. This is definitely a product to keep an eye on and one worth trying if given the opportunity.




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